Join us on this journey throughout the impressively dull annals of “CI” lore, best practices, and emerging technological space as we rub shoulders with a wide variety of experts and yap about topics too uninteresting for all the uninitiated.
If you like this show, you’re a nerd like us (sorry, that’s the bottom line) - and we’re here for you.
Latest Episode! Join co-hosts Dave Holder and Matthew Hedger for the first live session, Episode 15, Jan. ‘25.
Unintelligence: The Corporate Counterintelligence Podcast is a free resource fostering broader awareness of and engagement with corporate counterintelligence topics and experts in commercial and defense industries, the public sector and government, both here in the U.S. and abroad. While our focus to date has primarily been initial building blocks of the counterintelligence profession, we are passionate about connecting with people and teams from around the world to learn about emerging best practices and security trends.
Related Professional Disciplines
Counterintelligence resources supporting global commercial and defense industries, public sectors, and government agencies can be difficult to discover, assess, implement and manage. Counterintelligence draws from Security, Corporate Law, Federal Law Enforcement, corporate Governance Risk & Compliance (GRC), Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Insider Risk and Insider Threat Management, Operational Security, Information Security (InfoSec), Operational Technology Security, InfoSec Continuous Monitoring (ISCM), Cyber Security, Incident Response, Digital Forensics, Behavioral Analytics, and various others.
Subject Matter Expertise
We invite experts in relate professional disciplines who bring ideas, tools, references, and resources to our audience. Check out our episode list for guest credentials and backgrounds.
About our Co-Hosts
Our co-hosts are Dave Holder, CEO of Veritas and an Insider Threat Specialist at Ford Motor Company; and Matthew Hedger, Chief Consultant and Partner at Artemist Advisory Group.
Dave and Matthew are both former US Intelligence Community grads and former Case Officers with offensive and defensive assignments in strategic and field-level organizations.
Dave obtained his Master of Arts in International Relations from Webster University and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Covenant College. He holds professional certificates from Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute and Cornell University.
Matthew obtained his Master of Finance from Kings College, London and is a recognized expert in Anti Money Laundering, Covert Communications, blockchain, and field operations.
Why "Unintelligence?"
Why “Unintelligence”?
Put simply, we have spent our careers countering adversarial intelligence collection activities from competitors, insider threats, criminal gangs, domestic international terrorist organizations and lone wolves, and government intelligence and security agencies (to name a few).
What is the opposite of “Intel”? Could it be “Counter-Intel”? Nope, too boring.
Clearly, the opposite of “Intelligence” is “Unintelligence.”
And if you listen to our podcast, you’ll see other possible connections to the term. For one, Dave is from Appalachia. Our IQs may be intact, but it sure may not sound like it from time to time. Other contributing factors to moments of Unintelligence include delicious whiskey and its variants; sleep deprivation (Dave has four teens at home); and heat (oh, the heat).
This podcast relies on the personal contributions of its hosts, as it is in early stages. As we move along our plan to expand into related topical areas and delivery formats, we would love to have your support!
If you have benefitted from this podcast, or you are as excited as we are about its potential to uplift this important career field, please consider subscribing and supporting with a donation of any size.